American Bully Breeding | Why Do Most Kennels Fail?
Over the years countless “Kennels” have come and gone.
What seems to be the cause? What separates the ones that last from the ones that pop up only to disappear a few years later.
Why do Most Kennels Fail?
There are many reasons a business can fail, but when it comes to dog breeding the answer is often simple: Most kennels that fail have a few things in common: wrong intentions and a lack of real knowledge that is passed down through mentorship.
Most respected kennel clubs have mentorship programs, some even require a mentor prior to showing or breeding. Not so with The American Bully-anyone, anywhere that owns 2 dogs can decide to become a breeder.
Why is Having A Mentor Important?
What do Larry Page, Steve Jobs and every Shark Tank mogul have in common? They’ve all received guidance from mentors. Yes — even the famously individually-minded Apple Founder got by with a little help, advice and support from time to time. No matter who you are, where you’ve come from, or what you have achieved, a good mentor is an invaluable asset in business.
When it comes to dog breeding, having someone who’s seen it all- Issues with Co-Owns, Contracts, Health Issues, Birth complications etc.. will not only help, but can prevent some pretty avoidable legal and financial issues and might even save the life of one of your dogs.
Newly established kennels get caught up with the excitement and potential financial gain that they see on social media or hear about from other breeders. What they fail to understand is the time and work involved in having a successful setup.
What most need to understand is that the few who manage to turn a profit have years and years invested into their yards.
What you’re not seeing is the struggle, the loss of money it took to gain the knowledge to properly produce quality dogs: the time away from family traveling to different shows, the sleepless nights whelping litters, the heartbreak of losing puppies, the devastation of investing several thousand into a litter only to find out it didn’t take, or even worse the bitch didn’t make it.
Combine all of this with the frustration from customers who expected a puppy that wasn’t delivered. The arguments with a spouse over your love for these dogs the list could go on..
One thing is for certain, dog breeding isn’t for the faint of heart.
Being knowledgeable and having the ability to apply that knowledge in real world situations (through experience) are two completely different things.
Wisdom is being able to admit that regardless of how experienced you may be.. that you don’t know it all.
Knowledge that you gain through these sources not only save you financially but prevent unfavorable outcomes. As a breeder, you’re working with live, breathing animals and your actions can cause suffering. It’s important we regain some of these old fashion practices to secure our breed’s long term survivability. The system that’s currently established is causing great instability in our future growth and public image.
Olin Stephens of Grindhouse Bullies states “Over the years I’ve personally mentored many upcoming breeders and to this day I still guide and support them in their breeding programs. The learning process is never ending- even for all those expert breeders out there, every day is an opportunity to improve and expand your knowledge.
It’s your duty to share what you’ve learned and help educate others. Align yourself with individuals that have the proper mindset to grow and develop your skill as much as their own. Not every outcome will be a success story when greed and ego takes hold- failure is not far behind. The beginner is just as easily victim to this as established kennels/breeders.”
It’s important to remain humble and always seek to improve yourself and others.
Lack of Quality Breeding Stock
They call them Foundation Males & Females for a reason. If you’re not building on a solid foundation it won’t last.
You NEED QUALITY BREEDING STOCK. Without it, you’ll be spending generation after generation correcting faults.
Lack of Quality Females
From Texas Size Bullies | Venomline
“Females in my opinion, separate the men from the boys. There is some debate as to the exact amount a female passes on to her offspring. Some say 60%, others say that with genetics it should be closer to 50%.
I’m not quite sure what the geneticists claim, but I know what I’ve seen with my own eyes (in more than one breed) and in my opinion females are as important, if not more important than the males.”
“I see so many breedings where mediocre bitches are paired with Top Studs and the breeder thinks it’s the hottest breeding ever. Very few kennels have the quality of bitches to pair with a Top Stud to produce consistent litters time after time.”
Improper Use of Finances
Improper use of finances is a large factor that contributes to kennel failure. When it comes to finances you must apply basic business practices, incorrect spending can put a strain on any kennel or business. You must take the time to not only research general breeding practices but also invest time in planning a proper business model, calculating risk and choose to act appropriately.
Never think you can buy a kennel and become an overnight success by reading a couple articles online and thinking that is all that’s required to be successful. With financial stress and inexperience you’ll see improper evaluations on breedings and stud fees. People need to understand you need to properly establish yourself before expecting a large return.
Lack of Advertising/Promotion
Invest in your program, and don’t be cheap either.
Again this is probably the biggest key that so many breeders are missing so I will repeat it again:
You need to advertise & promote your Stud & Breedings outside of just your Facebook friends if you want to get your Stud booked and top dollar for your breedings.
It doesn’t matter if you have the baddest dog on the planet if no one gets to see it. Every successful business markets their product. With the rise of social media you can reach several hundred thousand people overnight. Our average weekly reach is just over million people.
You can Advertise in a magazine, have a professional HD Video created, promote on Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest.. the possibilities are endless. You’ll need a following if you expect to sell your pups at a decent price. We can help with building your following, no one does it better than BULLY KING Magazine.
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Lack of Vision
How often do you see posts of blood from a female in heat followed by “Looking For Stud?” then deciding from a thread full of posts from thirsty Stud owners and then taking the cheapest offer. Nothing says “I have no Vision for my program” better than a last minute post while a female is in heat just starting the search for a Stud.
Thirsty posts from hundreds of Stud owners on the thread isn’t a good look for your Stud either. Without knowing anything about the female, it gives the appearance that the Stud owner would breed to anything for a dollar. Any legitimate breeder with a Top Stud won’t auction their Stud off cheap because they don’t want to devalue their line to make a couple bucks.
You need Contracts for EVERYTHING. Everyone is on the same page until money starts to come in, and money makes people act funny. If you don’t have Contracts in place for Stud Service, Co-Owns, Puppies For Sale etc.. You are setting yourself up for failure.
The bully world is full of drama. As your kennel progresses people will talk down about you and your program. You’ll hear several people bitch online that your stock isn’t good enough, and that anyone who is serious should spend more on foundation dogs for their program.
On the flip side of the coin- if you spend money and invest in quality dogs other breeders will say “anyone can buy a top dog” and boast online their dogs are “produced, not bought” If you’re on the right track others will get jealous, and jealousy breeds envy.
Avoid "drama dog groups on Facebook like the plague: you will get sucked in. If all the group does is hate on others dogs and post "user submitted posts" as a crutch to call out people.. you'll get nothing out of the group. Associate yourself with the winners. Anyone who's successful in this, doesn't have the time to gossip or talk about other people's dogs.
Remember this quote “people want to see you do well, but never better than them.” In the bully world, most won’t even want you to do well.
Bottom Line
No one ever became a breeder without starting with a dog or dogs that they didn’t produce, and anyone that views you as a threat will bitch and complain.. especially if you’re selling pups at higher prices than them. You can’t please everyone, block it out.. it’s just noise. Follow your vision.
If you argue and use foul language and go back and forth with other breeders slinging insults it reflects poorly on you and your kennel.
Be a Good Sport
If you’re competing in Confirmation Shows-eventually you will lose. Congratulate the winner and don’t bitch and whine or complain about Judges, the Registry etc.. It makes you look childish, and it will turn away customers. Whether the outcome was in your favor or not, thank the registry, the judges and your competitors.
Lastly I will discuss claims and drama that will poison and destroy even the most established kennel.
Never speak or repeat the words of another with out fully understanding the facts. If other breeders are talking about you, unless you’re doing something unethical or wrong.. it’s usually a good thing. Avoid getting sucked into online drama at all costs.
Getting caught up in drama online will put a strain on your time and the energy you should be putting into your program. Not only that, but even if you win the keyboard war, it usually gets heated and you’ll look like an asshole to your buyers and customers will avoid you like the plague.
Many of us have backgrounds, lives that weren’t as pristine or pampered as some of the owners of Show dogs in other breeds. The American Bully & Exotic have given many of us a new direction, an outlet for positivity, or a fresh start.
Now that you’re a business owner, act with professionalism.
Hopefully we’ve highlighted the leading causes of kennel failure and shed some light on some of the growing problems within our community.
Article by Grindhouse Bullies & Texas Size Bullies
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Clothing & Apparel
The Bully Bible
Available For Sale in the BULLY KING App, iTunes, iBooks, Barnes & Noble & more!
✓ 31 Chapters 153 Pages
Chapters Inside:
• Everything You Need To Know About The American Bully
• History Of The American Pit Bull Terrier & The Evolution Of The American Bully
• History Of The Razors Edge Bloodline
• Notorious Juan Gotty & Gottiline
• The Legend Of Lowjack Remy Martin & Remyline
• History Of Daxline
• History Of The Tri Colored Pit Bull & American Bully
• Caring For Your American Bully
• The Importance Of Socialization
• 5 Star Rated Dog Foods
• Best Muscle Building Exercises
• Preventing Heat Stroke
• How much Does An American Bully Cost
• Finding A Reputable Dog Breeder
• So.. You Want To Become A Breeder?
• How Stud Service Works
• Ovulation & Progesterone Testing
• Artificial Insemination (AI’s)
• Dog Pregnancy: By The Week
• Why Do Most Kennels Fail?
• What’s Your Bully Worth? Determining The Value Of Your Stock
• Linebreeding, Inbreeding, Outcrossing, Backbreeding & More
• Parvo: What You Need To Know
• Daxline & Exotics: Why Are Dogs Dying Young?
• The Exotic Bully
Bonus Chapters:
• 1st Annual BULLY KING Magazine People’s Choice Award Winners
• How The American Bully Saved My Life
• The Story Of Champion SMP’s Lucky Luciano
• Muscletone Bullys’ Bashar Daoud On Creating The Muscletone Bloodline
• Important Terms & More!
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Have a Blessed Day Bully Family!